Wednesday, October 1, 2008

So here is what three years looks like...

My baby is on the right and my little man is on the left....

Crazy to think that my baby was barely walking and now I can hardly keep up with my big boy. He has accomplished so much and is just growing up so fast.

We are off to Disneyland for a few days and I am excited to watch him enjoy it. He gets so excited to do things now and it has awakened my excitement about life, too.

Today we went to walk outside and what was on the wall...but a lizard and that lizard was staring straight at me. I was like "Caedmon, look a lizard! I'll catch it and we can look at it closer!"
Caedmon- "NO! Don't catch it..he won't like that!" "Look, Mommy, he is like Spider-man crawling up that wall...Where is he going now? Back to his family." "Okay, Mommy, let's go!"
It was a nice moment to get excited about a common backyard lizard and to feel Caedmon's concern and happiness that the lizard was free.

1 comment:

Alicia said...

Love the lizard conversation!